Managing Director Ted Robertson on Transformational Potential Applying Behavioral Design in Healthcare
This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Ted Robertson, Managing Director of Ideas42, a non-profit design firm that applies the disciplines of behavioral economics and behavioral design to develop scalable solutions to transform systems in health care, government, civic and corporate entities. Mr. Reynolds discusses their recent report for the Commonwealth Fund that explores the potential for transforming health care by applying behavioral economics principals and deploying behavioral design teams.
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To download audio file, click here. Managing Director Ted Robertson on Transformational Potential Applying Behavioral Design in Healthcare
This week, hosts Mark Masselli and Margaret Flinter speak with Ted Robertson, Managing Director of Ideas42, a non-profit design firm that applies the disciplines of behavioral economics and behavioral design to develop scalable solutions to transform systems in health care, government, civic and corporate entities. Mr. Reynolds discusses their recent report for the Commonwealth Fund that explores the potential for transforming health care by applying behavioral economics principals and deploying behavioral design teams.